Links and Resources

Here you will find additional links and resources, including interesting news stories, reports on new ways of working, official policy documents and case studies illustrating best practice.  We also signpost other sites containing workforce planning resources.  If you have any links or documents you would like to share here, please email


Case Studies and News Stories

TitleDescriptionCategoryResourceLinkPinCreated at
National Maternity ReviewFeb 2016 NHS England commissioned review – led by independent experts and chaired by Baroness Julia Cumberlege – sets out wide-ranging proposals designed to make care safer and give women greater control and more choices.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/national-maternity-review-report.pdfNo25/02/2016 09:10
Mind the GapMay 2015 Findings of the Every Student Counts project funded by Birmingham and Solihull LETC. The project was initiated in response to concerns about recruitment and retention of nurses and midwives locally and nationally. Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Mind-the-Gap-Report.pdfNo09/03/2016 11:01
Guardian Healthcare Professionals NetworkA dedicated space where healthcare professionals come together to discuss innovation, workforce issues and questions over NHS reforms.Case Studies and News Stories 12:34
Managing the supply of NHS clinical staff in England (1)Feb 2016 National Audit Office report into how the supply of NHS clinical staff in England is managed, in terms of both planning the future workforce and meeting the current demand for staff.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Managing-the-supply-of-NHS-clinical-staff-in-England.pdfNo16/03/2016 09:12
Optical Workforce Survey 2015Nov 2015 report into the findings of the Optical Workforce Survey.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Optical Workforce Survey - full report Nov2015.pdfNo16/03/2016 09:20
Skills for CareWorkforce planning resources available from Skills for Care.Policy and Guidance 09:31
Place-based systems of care: A way forward for the NHS in EnglandNov 2015 King's Fund paper arguing that providers of services should establish place-based ‘systems of care’ in which they work together to improve health and care for the populations they serve.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Place-based-systems-of-care-Kings-Fund-Nov-2015_0.pdfNo16/03/2016 09:35
CfWI Horizon ScanningBringing together horizon scanning research and future-thinking ideas to support long term workforce planning. (Information on the website is accurate as of 26 February 2016; site is no longer maintained.)Horizon Scanning and Data Sources 09:40
Workforce planning for health, public health and social care (replaces CfWI Horizon Scanning Hub)The Department of Health, Public Health England and Health Education England provide information (also referred to as ‘workforce intelligence’) to the health and care system to inform workforce planning decisions at a national and local level.Horizon Scanning and Data Sources 09:44
Six Steps methodologyThe Skills for Health Six Steps Methodology to Integrated Workforce Planning is a practical approach to planning that ensures you have a workforce of the right size with the right skills and competences.Policy and GuidanceHEWM_LinksAndResources/Six Steps Methodology to Integrated Workforce Planning.pdfYes31/03/2016 10:29
Skills for Health Tools directoryHere you can find all of the tools within the Skills for Health portfolio, including a Nursing Workforce Planning Tool and an Assessing Workforce Supply Tool.Policy and Guidance 10:38
NHS Scotland Workforce Planning Community SiteCommunity site specific to workforce planners within NHS Scotland, but includes a number of useful links, tools and resources.Best Practice and Research 10:42
Medical EngagementJul 2014 King's Fund paper about what good medical engagement looks like and how those organisations with good medical engagement create and sustain it.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP medical-engagement-a-journey-not-an-event-jul14_0.pdfNo13/04/2016 12:45
NHS Workforce Planning: Limitations and possibilitiesNov 2009 King's Fund paper considering the degree to which NHS workforce planning in England is likely to support the delivery of a workforce that is fit for the future.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP NHS-Workforce-Planning-Candace-Imison-James-Buchan-Su-Xavier-Kings-Fund-November-2009.pdfNo13/04/2016 12:49
NHS and Social Care WorkforceJul 2013 King's Fund paper with feedback from the Time to Think Differently programme.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP perspectives-nhs-social-care-workforce-jul13.pdfNo13/04/2016 12:54
Horizon 2035: Health and care workforce futuresJul 2014 CfWI progress update on horizon scanning to support the Department of Health’s long-term strategic vision for the health, social care and public health workforce in England.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP CfWI HS2035 Progress Update July 2014.pdfNo13/04/2016 12:56
Think integration, think workforce2013 CfWI integrated care paper on three steps towards workforce integration.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP think_integration_web_2014.pdfNo13/04/2016 12:59
Robust workforce planning - Experiences and best practiceApr 2014 CfWI paper about a new approach to improve the process of health and social care workforce planning, called robust workforce planning (RWP).Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP Technical Paper No 2 - Robust workforce planning best practices.pdfNo13/04/2016 13:48
Robust workforce planning updateAug 2014 Update on Robust Workforce Planning (RWP) framework for health and social care workforce planning.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP TP 10 - Framework update Aug 2014.pdfNo13/04/2016 14:02
A workforce fit for the futureAug 2014 NHS Confederation briefing on working together to improve the delivery of urgent and emergency care.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP a-workforce-fit-for-the-future.pdfNo13/04/2016 14:04
Integrated workforce planning in mental healthMay 2014 eWIN overview of an integrated workforce planning tool to meet the mental health and psychological wellbeing needs of children and young people.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP Workforce Planning Tool Meet Mental Health Children Young People.pdfNo13/04/2016 14:13
Workforce Planning PitfallsJul 2015 paper on six tips for delivering the workforce of the future for consistent business success.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP whitepaper-workforce-planning-pitfalls.pdfNo13/04/2016 14:30
Making the case for public health interventionsSep 2014, In partnership with the Local Government Association, Kingsfund have produced a set of infographics that describe key facts about the public health system and the return on investment for some public health interventions.Best Practice and Research 11:17
Sustaining a Safe & Quality WorkforceSep 2014 slides from an NHS Employers Nursing and HR event.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Sustaining a Safe and Quality Workforce - Nursing and HR Event.pdfNo18/04/2016 11:28
Using Workforce Planning Tools to Support Safe StaffingSep 2014 slides from an NHS Employers Nursing and HR event.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Using Workforce Planning Tools to Support Safe Staffing.pdfNo18/04/2016 11:30
Public health scientist stocktakeMar 2015 CfWI review of the diverse range of scientists working within PHE.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/Public health scientist stocktake final - March 2015.pdfNo18/04/2016 11:35
The public health knowledge and intelligence workforceMar 2015 CfWI study into the public health knowledge and intelligence workforce within PHE and local authorities.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/Public Health Knowledge and Intelligence Workforce - March 2015.pdfNo18/04/2016 11:38
Review of the anaesthetics and intensive care medicine workforceFeb 2015 CfWI report into the anaesthetics and intensive care medicine (ICM) workforce in England. The review focused on fully trained anaesthetists and ICM specialists, known as intensivists, who hold a certificate of completion of training (‘CCT holders’), and typically are employed as consultants.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/Anaes and Intensive Care Review - Feb 2015.pdfNo18/04/2016 11:41
Review of the general practitioner workforceJul 2014 CfWI report into the general practitioner (GP) workforce in England.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/CfWI GP in-depth review - July 2014.pdfNo18/04/2016 11:47
Trauma and orthopaedic surgery stocktakeSep 2014 CfWI stocktake of the trauma and orthopaedic surgery (T&O) workforce in England. The focus of this stocktake is on T&O surgeons who have completed their Certificate of Completion of Training (‘CCT holders’, who are typically employed as consultants).Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery stocktake - Sept 2014.pdfNo18/04/2016 11:49
Mapping the core public health workforceOct 2014 CfWI report to gather information on the core public health workforce in England to support commissioners in making policy decisions relating to the future size and shape of the public health workforce. This report includes a background to the public health workforce in England, an estimate of the numbers of staff in each part of the core workforce, and areas for further consideration.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/CfWI Mapping the core public health workforce - Oct 2014.pdfNo18/04/2016 11:54
Mapping the core public health workforce - Literature reviewOct 2014 CfWI exploring the context and key considerations for mapping the core public health workforce.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/CfWI Public health mapping report literature review - Oct 2014.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:07
Dental care professionals stocktakeOct 2014 CfWI forecast and analysis of demand and supply for the dental care professional (DCP) workforce in England between 2013 and 2025.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/Dental care professionals stocktake - Oct 2014.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:11
In-depth review of the psychiatrist workforceNov 2014 CfWI in-depth review of the psychiatrist workforce in England, with a particular focus on fully trained psychiatrists with a certificate of completion of training (‘CCT holders’) who typically are employed as consultants.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/Psychiatrist in-depth review_Main report - Nov 2014.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:13
In-depth review of the psychiatrist workforce - Technical ReportNov 2014 CfWI technical report in support of the In-depth review of the psychiatrist workforce, providing additional information concerning the wider mental health workforce, psychiatry training, the psychiatrist workforce, together with the data and assumptions the CfWI used in its modelling of the psychiatry CCT holder workforce.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/Psychiatry in-depth review - Nov 2014.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:17
Speech and language therapy stocktakeDec 2014 CfWI stocktake review of the speech and language therapy (SLT) workforce in England, up to 2025. The stocktake investigated the whole workforce, including those working outside the NHS, to assess whether there will be an undersupply or oversupply of SLTs by 2025 if current levels of service per client are maintained.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/Speech and language therapy stocktake - Dec 2014.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:20
Obstetrics and gynaecology stocktakeJan 2015 CfWI stocktake review of the obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G) workforce in England. The review has a particular focus on fully trained obstetricians and gynaecologists with a certificate of completion of training (CCT holders), typically employed as consultants.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/Securing the future Workforce - Obs and Gynae - Jan 2015.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:22
In-depth review of the acute medical care workforceFeb 2015 CfWI in-depth review of the acute medical care workforce in England. The review covered all fully trained physicians who contribute to acute medical care including, acute medicine specialists, geriatricians, and physicians from a number of other specialties. The CfWI analysis focused on doctors with a certificate of completion of training (‘CCT holders’) or equivalent. Typically these specialists are employed in the NHS as consultants.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/Acute medical care workforce indepth review - Feb 2015.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:24
Enhancing scenario generation and quantificationAug 2014 CfWI paper addressing improvements to the scenario generation stage of the Centre for Workforce Intelligence’s (CfWI) robust workforce planning (RWP) framework, in particular on scenario generation and quantification. The methods have been tested on a new project – Horizon 2035 – the purpose of which is to consider different workforce futures for health, social care and public health 20 years from now.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Scenario generation and quantification Aug 2014.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:27
User guidelines on qualitative methods in health workforce planning and forecastingNov 2014 Joint Action user guidelines aimed broadly at health workforce planners and forecasters in Member States (MSs) and stakeholder organisations in the European Union who would like to apply qualitative methods to improve their health workforce planning and forecasting in their specific national contexts.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/EU Joint Action user guidelines on qualitative methods - Nov 2104.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:30
Policy analysis updateFeb 2015 CfWI technical paper addressing improvements to the policy analysis stage of the Centre for Workforce Intelligence’s (CfWI) robust workforce planning framework, in particular on selecting polices for analysis and structuring the analysis. We plan to test these approaches on the Horizon 2035 – the purpose of which is to consider different workforce futures for health, social care and public health 20 years from now.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Policy Analysis Update Technical Paper Feb 2015.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:32
Understanding Robust Workforce PlanningFeb 2015. The CfWI Robust Workforce Planning Framework provides a tried and tested, step-by-step approach to assist with an investigation relating to the future workforce. This brochure explains how the framework operates, including its practical application.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Understanding how the CfWI works - Feb 2015.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:36
Applying elicitation methods to robust workforce planningFeb 2015 CfWI investigating a range of methods for quantifying the values of critical and uncertain parameters for workforce modelling. Our robust workforce planning framework approach uses scenarios to think about the possible risks and opportunities of the future.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Elicitation methods - Applying to Workforce Planning - Feb 2015.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:37
Main report for the 2014 Shortage Occupation List (SOL)Feb 2015 CfWI paper comprising the healthcare submission to the MAC, in response to its recent call for evidence (MAC, 2014). This work builds on previous CfWI submissions (2011, 2012a) and the MAC’s comprehensive review of the SOL, published in February 2013 (MAC, 2013). The CfWI work covers England only.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Main Report for the 2014 Shortage Occupation List - Feb 2015.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:41
Workforce planning in the NHSApr 2015 King's Fund report exploring experiences with workforce planning, and how they align with strategic policy in a number of areas: mental health, general practice and community nursing.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Workforce-planning-NHS-Kings-Fund-Apr-15.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:46
Acute hospitals and integrated careMar 2015 King's Fund report exploring the role that acute hospitals can play in integrated care, drawing on learning from five case study sites in England where acute hospital providers have engaged actively with the integration agenda.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/acute-hospitals-and-integrated-care-march-2015.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:48
Leadership in action: Staff engagementFeb 2015 King's Fund report on six building blocks for harnessing the creativity and enthusiasm of NHS staff.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP a-workforce-fit-for-the-future.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:50
Managing quality in community health care servicesDec 2014 King's Fund report on the findings of a primary research study exploring how community health services providers define, measure, manage and improve the quality of care.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Managing quality in Community Care - Dec 2014.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:54
The reconfiguration of clinical services: What is the evidence?Nov 2015 King's Fund paper providing new insights into the drivers of reconfiguration and the underpinning evidence. It builds on a major analysis, commissioned by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), of reviews of service reconfigurations conducted by the National Clinical Advisory Team (NCAT).Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/The reconfiguration of Clinical Services - Nov 2015.pdfNo18/04/2016 12:57
Commissioning and contracting for integrated careNov 2014 King's Fund paper attempting to expose some of the confusion and myths surrounding commissioning and contracting for integrated care, drawing on the stories and experiences of five areas that are in the process of developing innovative contractual models as well as a series of interviews with national regulators and agencies, lawyers and procurement specialists.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Commissioning and Contracting for Integrated Care - Nov 2014.pdfNo18/04/2016 13:00
The NHS productivity challengeMay 2014 King's Fund report describing: local NHS providers’ understanding of the national financial environment; their views about how the current ‘efficiency drive’ differs from previous initiatives; how they set their productivity and cost improvement targets; how hospitals have managed to make ends meet; and how they view the next few years of continued financial restraint.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/The NHS Productivity Challenge - May 2014 - Copy.pdfNo18/04/2016 13:06
Making our health and care systems fit for an ageing populationMar 2014 King's Fund paper designed as a high-level resource and reference guide for local service leaders who want to improve care for older people. Within each component of care we describe the goal that the system should aim for and then present key evidence about what we know can work, selected examples of local good practice, pointers to major reviews and guidelines, and advice about where to start.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Making our Health and Care systems fir for an ageing population - March 2014.pdfNo18/04/2016 13:54
A Government that Worked Better and Cost Less?Jun 2015 paper evaluating three decades of reform and change in the UK central government.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/A Government that worked Better and cost less - June 2015 - Copy - Copy.pdfNo18/04/2016 13:57
Workforce for the Future ProjectMay 2014 report from Workforce for the Future project, a partnership between NHS Chorley and South Ribble CCG, Greater Preston CCG, and the two main healthcare providers within central Lancashire. The report sets out the context for and the findings of research into gaps that exist in the clinical workforce within the central Lancashire area.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Workforce for the Future Project - May 2014.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:03
Not more of the same: Ensuring we have the right workforce for future models of careNov 2014 NHS Confederation report setting out some considerations for developing a primary care workforce which is fit for purpose now and in the future.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Not more of the same Workforce - Nov 2014 - Copy - Copy.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:06
HEE Workforce Plan for England 2015/16Proposed Education and Training Commissions for 2015/16.Policy and GuidanceHEWM_LinksAndResources/HEE Workforce Plan 2015 - Feb 2015 - Copy - Copy.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:07
What the NHS really thinks about workforce planningJune 2015 issue of The Insider, the NHS Confederation's bi-monthly publication for members.Case Studies and News StoriesHEWM_LinksAndResources/What the NHS really thinks about workforce planning - June 15 - Copy - Copy.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:09
Working better together: community health and primary careOct 2014 NHS Confederation presentation capturing the main points from a workshop on integrated working between primary care and community health services.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP a-workforce-fit-for-the-future.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:11
Making change possible: a Transformation Fund for the NHSJul 2015 paper from The Health Foundation and The King’s Fund drawing on analysis conducted by the two organisations, in particular six case studies of funding transformation, in the health sector and beyond, along with examples of local NHS initiatives.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/making-change-possible-a-transformation-fund-for-the-nhs-kingsfund-healthfdn-jul15.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:13
Options for integrated commissioningJun 2015 King's Fund paper outlining the case for integrated health and care services; assessing the evidence of past attempts at joint commissioning and the current policy framework; describing some current local innovations in integrated budgets and commissioning; and considering the potential of health and wellbeing boards to have a wider commissioning role.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Options-integrated-commissioning-Kings-Fund-June-2015_0.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:17
Improving the public’s health: A resource for local authoritiesDec 2013 King's Fund paper focusing on nine areas in which there is strong and clear evidence that local authorities can have a major impact on health. It sets out why local authorities have an important role, how and why this affects health, what they can do about it and the business case for doing so.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/1RWP improving-the-publics-health-kingsfund-dec13.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:23
Five Year Forward ViewOct 2014 paper setting out how the health service needs to change, arguing for a more engaged relationship with patients, carers and citizens so that we can promote wellbeing and prevent ill-health. This paper represents the shared view of the NHS’ national leadership, including NHS England, HEE, PHE, Monitor, TDA and CQC.Policy and GuidanceHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP 5YFV_FINAL_WEBCOPY.pdfYes18/04/2016 14:28
A new settlement for health and social careSep 2014 King's Fund final report from the independent Commission on the Future of Health and Social Care in England.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/3RWP Commission Final interactive.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:31
Inequalities in life expectancyAug 2015 King's Fund paper drawing on and testing some of the insights of the 2010 publication 'Fair Society, healthy lives' (The Marmot Review).Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/inequalities-in-life-expectancy-kings-fund-aug15.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:36
Busting the myths: NHS ManagersMar 2015, part of the NHS Confederation series of 'myth busters', challenging common misconceptions and enriching debate on topical, sometimes controversial, issues regarding our health and care. Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/NHS managers busting the myths.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:43
Busting the myths: Competition in the NHSMar 2015, part of the NHS Confederation series of 'myth busters', challenging common misconceptions and enriching debate on topical, sometimes controversial, issues regarding our health and care.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Competition-in-the-NHS-busting-the-myths.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:44
Busting the myths: Primary CareAug 2015, part of the NHS Confederation series of 'myth busters', challenging common misconceptions and enriching debate on topical, sometimes controversial, issues regarding our health and care.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/MythBusters-Primary-Care.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:45
Transforming our health care systemApr 2015 King's Fund report identifying 10 priorities for commissioners.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/10 Priorities for Commissioners - Kings Fund April 15.pdfNo18/04/2016 14:47
ONS Neighbourhood StatisticsService established in 2000 to address significant gaps in the information required for evidence-based policy making, and to contribute to achieving the Government's National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal.Horizon Scanning and Data Sources 14:49
ONS Population projectionsPopulation projections provide an indication of the future size and age structure of the population based on mid-year population estimates and a set of assumptions of future fertility, mortality and migration. Available for the UK and its constituent countries as national population projections and for the regions, local authorities and clinical commissioning groups in England as subnational population projections.Horizon Scanning and Data Sources 14:51
HSCIC Indicator PortalWebsite gathering together a number of health and social care indicators.Horizon Scanning and Data Sources 14:56
Better Knowledge, Better Care animationsAug 2015 NHS Improving Quality animations to help build an understanding of what it means to have 'better knowledge' in health and care.Best Practice and Research 15:00
Horizon 2035: Future demand for skillsAug 2015 CfWI outlining some initial results and messages from our Horizon 2035 work to date.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/Horizon Scanning section - Future demand for skills September 2015.pdfNo18/04/2016 15:09
Moving healthcare closer to homeSep 2015 Monitor report into the findings of the 'Moving healthcare closer to home' project.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/moving_healthcare_closer_to_home_summary.pdfNo18/04/2016 15:12
Your ageing workforceJun 2015 NHS Longer Working Group infographic showing what you need to know about your ageing workforce.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/WLG infographic 2015.pdfNo18/04/2016 15:16
NHS Longer Working GroupA partnership group established to review the implications of the NHS workforce working to a later, raised retirement age.Best Practice and Research 15:17
NHS planning guidance 2016/17NHS planning guidance setting out a clear list of national priorities for 2016/17 and longer-term challenges for local systems, together with financial assumptions and business rules.Policy and GuidanceHEWM_LinksAndResources/151222 Planning Guidance.pdfYes18/04/2016 15:25
The King's FundThe King's Fund is an independent charity working to improve health and care in England.Horizon Scanning and Data Sources 15:27
Managing the supply of NHS clinical staff in England (2)Apr 2016 House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts report regarding the current undersupply of the clinical workforce.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Managing the supply of NHS clinical staff in England May 2016.pdfNo16/05/2016 13:25
General and Personal Medical ServicesApr 2016 HSCIC paper providing a summary of the general practice workforce in England as at 30 September 2015.Horizon Scanning and Data SourcesHEWM_LinksAndResources/Primary Care Report - April 2016.pdfNo18/05/2016 08:57
Reshaping the workforce - Case Studies AppendixMay 2016 Nuffield Trust report appendix providing further detail on each of the case studies summarised in the main report.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/reshaping_the_workforce_case_studies_appendix_web.pdfNo19/05/2016 09:12
Reshaping the Workforce to Deliver the Care Patients NeedMay 2016 Nuffield Trust report giving practical guidance to those wishing to reshape their workforce; identifies key enablers and obstacles to change, with lessons for local leaders; and provides recommendations for national and local bodies about key actions to support change.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/reshaping_the_workforce_web_0.pdfNo19/05/2016 09:13
HEE Workforce Plan for England 2016/17Proposed Education and Training Commissions for 2016/17.Policy and GuidanceHEWM_LinksAndResources/HEE Workforce Plan for England 2016 180516_0.pdfNo31/05/2016 13:55
Stepping up to the placeJun 2016 report into integrated care from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, Local Government Association, NHS Clinical Commissioners and NHS Confederation.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Stepping up to the place_Br1413_WEB.pdfNo23/06/2016 15:18
Building Capacity to Care and Capability to TreatMay 2016 Health Education England response to the consultation around the introduction of a new nursing support role.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Response to Nursing Associate consultation 26 May 2016.pdfNo29/06/2016 12:00
Supporting integration through new roles and working across boundariesJun 2016 King's Fund paper, commissioned by NHS Employers and the Local Government .Association, on boundary-spanning roles to support integrated care.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Supporting_integration_web.pdfNo04/07/2016 10:43
Six principles for engaging people and communitiesJun 2016 People and Communities Board paper about creating person-centred, community-focused approaches to health, wellbeing and care. It builds on the proposed new relationship with people and communities set out in the NHS Five Year Forward View.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/six_principles_-_definitions_evaluation_and_measurement_-_web_high_res_0.pdfNo04/07/2016 12:26
Supporting NHS providers to deliver the right staff, with the right skills, in the right place at the right timeJul 2016 National Quality Board paper setting out expectations for nursing and midwifery staffing to help NHS provider boards make local decisions that will deliver high quality care for patients within the available staffing resource.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/nqb-guidance.pdfNo11/07/2016 15:12
Staffing Matters; Funding CountsJul 2016 Health Foundation report on workforce profile and trends in the English NHS.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/StaffingMattersFundingCounts.pdfNo22/07/2016 10:27
Public Health Profile ReportsPublic Health England profile reports for West Midlands Counties, Unitary Authorities and Districts.Horizon Scanning and Data Sources 12:40
Public Health Profile DataPublic Health England's online, interactive Health Profiles tool.Horizon Scanning and Data Sources 12:55
Public Health Post–2013Jul 2016 House of Commons Health Committee report into public health and reducing health inequality.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Public Health post 2013.pdfNo20/09/2016 13:08
Sustainability and Transformation Plans: what we know so farSep 2016 Nuffield Trust report drawing together insights from a recently held workshop for STP leaders.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/Sustainability and Transformation Plans What we know so far.pdfNo20/09/2016 14:05
General Practice Nursing in the 21st Century2015 Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) report into the findings of a national survey of General Practice Nurses.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/1 FOR WEB GPN 21 Century Report.pdfNo28/10/2016 09:02
Population Health SystemsFeb 2015 King's Fund report about integrated care as part of a broader shift away from fragmentation towards an approach focused on improving population health.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/population-health-systems-kingsfund-feb15.pdfNo21/12/2016 11:58
Sustainability and Transformation Plans in the NHSNov 2016 King's Fund paper about how STPs are being developed in practice.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/STPs_in_NHS_Kings_Fund_Nov_2016_final.pdfNo21/12/2016 12:00
Beyond Brexit: Assessing key risks to the nursing workforce in EnglandDec 2016 Institute for Employment Studies paper into how Brexit and population growth could impact the NHS.Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/hrp12.pdfNo25/01/2017 13:12
Swimming together or sinking alone: Health, care and the art of systems leadershipJan 2017 Institution of Healthcare Management report based on interviews with senior leaders in health and local government on what is really happening as managers grapple with the STP process.Case Studies and News StoriesHEWM_LinksAndResources/FULL-REPORT.pdfNo23/02/2017 12:53
Delivering sustainability and transformation plans from ambitious proposals to credible plansFeb 17 King's Fund report examining the content of the 44 sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) submitted in October 2016. The report discusses the main challenges that lie ahead in implementing STPs and realising the opportunities they identify. Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/STPs_proposals_to_plans_Kings_Fund_Feb_2017_0.pdfNo27/02/2017 14:41
Thinking Differently: Macmillan’s vision for the future cancer workforce in EnglandFeb 17 Macmillan report setting out Macmillan's vision for the future cancer workforce. It examines current challenges facing the cancer workforce and makes recommendations at local and national level. Best Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/thinking-differently.pdfNo01/03/2017 15:41
Supply Improvement Programme ResourcesResources collected as part of a HEE working across the East of England review into nurse education in order to improve the supply of nurses with the right skills.Best Practice and Research 14:33
Brexit infographic: Making sense of the issuesMarch 17 NHS European Office infographic. This includes key statistics about the EU workforce and health research funding, and takes a look at some of the key questions affecting the different areas of NHS organisations. Case Studies and News Stories 08:10
Next steps on the NHS Five Year Forward ViewMar 2017 NHS England document reviewing the progress made since the launch of the NHS Five Year Forward View in October 2014 and setting out a series of practical and realistic steps for the NHS to deliver a better, more joined-up and more responsive NHS in England.Policy and GuidanceHEWM_LinksAndResources/NEXT-STEPS-ON-THE-NHS-FIVE-YEAR-FORWARD-VIEW.pdfNo31/03/2017 09:11
Workforce Supply AnimationsAnimations showing how NHS Employers can help you with your workforce challenges, including links to further information, guidance and resources.Best Practice and Researchhttp:// 10:28
There For Us: A better future for the NHS workforceNov 2017 NHS Providers study into the problems and challenges facing the NHS workforce and some potential solutions.Best Practice and Research 14:25
Rising pressure: the NHS workforce challengeOct 17 Health Foundation report identifying trends in the NHS workforce in EnglandBest Practice and ResearchHEWM_LinksAndResources/RisingPressureNHSWorkforceChallenge.pdfNo22/11/2017 10:40